
The wide range of possibilities offered by APESS® systems often entail a high degree of complexity. Precisely for this reason we offer a comprehensive consulting and coordination service throughout the entire project, from planning to commissioning.
Because in addition to our reputation for building the best air conditioning systems, real partnerships are also vital to us.

Planning support & conception

We will actively support you in the design, configuration and planning of energy centres with existing projects and technical parameters.

We offer a great advantage: our unique software provides immediate visualisation of energy consumption, savings potential and overall efficiency

Project development

Project development If your project – renovation or new buildings – is still in its infancy, we would be happy to develop concepts and models with you that fulfil the objectives of the construction project to the greatest extent possible.

Special requirements include, for example, the use of natural refrigerants, integration of photovoltaics or existing components, free cooling or heat-cold shifting.

At a time when many companies are increasingly focusing on sustainability and (CO2) carbon-neutral energy production, experts and products like APESS® are essential to meeting stringent targets.

Calculation models

The APESS® software can calculate a wide variety of configurations and therefore helps decision-making on investments.

You get an instant overview of investment costs, running costs and amortisation.

Help for completing funding application documents


We are more than happy to handle the initial commissioning of APESS® systems for you. . By fine-tuning all components, our experienced experts can guarantee the best results and ensure a high level of customer satisfaction.